Job Description – How To Avoid Misunderstandings


Poor job description can make dilemmas in new workplace

It has been quite some while since you left your previous job in search of a better one. It could have been many reasons ranging from pay to work environment. But now you were actually glad that you had a change of scenery only to realize the job is not what you signed up for. Ahh the choices: go over the hassle for a new job again or continue grinding where you are, hoping the situation will improve.

According to surveys about 40% people leave their jobs because they did not like what they were doing. You might be feeling disappointed or even angry and thinking that you were bamboozled into taking on the uncomfortable job role. But this is never really the intention of the employer and most of the blame goes off to poor, or lack of, communication. Maybe, like many small organizations, the understanding and culture was that every individual is important in pitching in the overall progress, regardless of the official job title.


What to do if you are stuck in a similar situation

Before you go storming into the manager’s office and confronting them, there are a few alternatives you should first check off. Start by giving the new job a chance and reflecting on the job description. Ask yourself the hard questions – as no one likes to admit their own fault – whether it was the poorly defined description or your own misunderstanding of it.

Spend some time on the job. It takes about 90 days to fit in a new role. It will give you ample time on deciding if the job is suitable for you or not. Keep grinding for this period and say to yourself (as Robert de Niro in Irishman), “It is what it is”. Think of the long-term goals. Maybe the current job leads up to a better role. I have seen many examples of people steering up their careers from a role of secretary to the role of an office Manager!

Regardless, if you want to confront your manager, start off by politely asking for a personal meeting. Bring forth your understanding of your job roles and the points mentioned in the job description. Suggest what you can do better and how it will benefit the company. If your manager is already happy with your work, they will most likely listen to your requests and prefer to retain you in the company.


How to avoid misunderstandings of a Job Role

Avoiding the misunderstandings of a job description is responsibility of the manager and job hirers. A well-defined job description should clearly state:

What tasks are expected of the employee

  •    Skills required
  •    Qualifications
  •    Duties and
  •    Responsibilities

Importance and priority of each task

Information about the workplace

  •    Working conditions
  •    Tools
  •    Equipment used and
  •    Relationships with other positions

Avoiding misunderstandings in workplace is equally the responsibility of managers as well as the employees.

The managers can do that by writing a precise job description (as mentioned above) and can also detect the capabilities of individual during hiring interview. It is then the responsibility of employee arises that they highlight their own skills and previous job experiences. It is also a good practice that employee goes in for the interview with a plan. Like how hiring them would be beneficial for the company and what they can bring to the table. It is mandatory that the employee gets the position that is most suitable for them for their own satisfaction as well as the firm’s interest.


Advantages of a well written Job Description

A well written job description serves plenty of purposes to the firm. A few of them can be stated as:

  • Productivity – Long training periods can be avoided if the employee already has the skills that were mentioned.
  • Both: manager and employee, can figure out suitability for the job advertised and commencing of work from day one can be realized.
  • Avoiding lawsuits – A written document helps the company as a proof in case of a lawsuit that might be filed by employee claiming they were wrongfully terminated for not performing advertised job.
  • Avoids duplication – Multiple employees would be performing same work in an ill-defined job description.
  • Time would not be wasted on doing a task that was not required of the employee.
  • Sometimes, work would remain pending because no one would realize that it was the part of their job.


Not only are job descriptions necessary, but their careful planning is, also, even more essential. Grievances of employees would not be arising, and they will be well satisfied in their job role. Firms would be utilizing their full potential into achieving their goals, objectives, and yearly profits. Only by avoiding small and bothersome inconveniences we can focus on big picture stuff – in expanding the company’s interest, as well as, improving employee’s self-growth.


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