The most developing industries in Sweden

Car and Transport Technology

Vehicles, trucks and transport innovation helped to lead Sweden’s financial iteration.  The car sector has grown by 40% from 2009 to 2010.

Despite significant vehicles in the worldwide trade, transportation and heavy truck industry, 20% of the vast Aptues make up on current roads.  Sweden’s car and transport industry has additionally acknowledged green progress.

Life Science

Sweden’s pharmaceutical and biotech business fuels about 20% of the country’s rent-driven economy.  For example, Goliath, AstraZeneca and Pfizer lead the existential science industry around the world, in addition to a number of small, creative organizations that derive capacity from the nation’s renowned college structures.

Interruptions in research have paid for non-obstructive and degenerative diseases with new drugs and medicines.

Travel Industry

Perhaps the biggest setback in the latter’s economy is the accelerated growth of the country’s travel industry.  In 2009, when other European holiday destinations saw an emotional drop in guests, the volume of the voyine for Sweden increased by 3%.

Sweden, for example, offers views featuring skiing and canine sledging, culture and urban areas rich in history and undertakings.

Green Technology

Development and imagination drive Sweden’s top green innovation industry.  More than 3,500 in biofuels, ancillary development materials and reuse exploits, more than $ 14 billion in income from green-tech organizations and nearly 40,000 positions have been produced.

Sweden generates about 40% of its power through unbreakable assets, and keeping in mind that public authority puts resources in a wind, sunlight-based and geothermal framework, green organizations have created incredible yet green  Innovations have begun to be shipped out.



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