How Can Specialization Affect Your Employment in 2021?

How Can Specialization Affect Your Employment

How can specialization affect your employment? Why companies WANT individuals who have a specialization? Wherever you go in the world, you wouldn’t be able to find a place where skilled individuals are not high in demand. Companies strive towards turning their workforce to be specialized in specific areas. This helps … Read more

What is Human Resource Management and It’s 4 Key Roles

What is Human Resource Management

What is the purpose of a company? To use resources, capital, investments, and knowledge to execute an idea. But who uses these resources? It’s the people. The workers. The employees. And this is where HRM or Human Resource Management comes into play. What is Human Resource Management (HRM)? In the … Read more

Human Resource and Organizational Development in 2021

Human Resource and Organizational Development

Human Resource and Organizational Development Human Resource (HR). The concept does mean something to do with people. Originally, it meant hiring new talent. Recruiting workers ­– human resources – for a job and letting them go once their contract was over. However, today’s HR comprises several more duties and performances. … Read more

Make Something Better in The Workplace without Asking

Make something better

Make something better – use common sense There are some, nay, many imperfections bound to arise in a workplace. Sometimes they are independent, and sometimes not so. They may be related to an employee and nevertheless, only require a tiny effort for correction. So, you want to be able to … Read more

What Knowledge and Skills You Bring to this Job?

knowledge and skills

What can you bring to the team? It is one of the most common questions of interviewers. If you have been to a few interviews, you might feel like it is their favorite. You would have come across it previously and will most probably face it in your next interview … Read more

10 Useful Exercises Get You into Mood for Work

10 Useful Exercises Get You into Mood for Work

10 Useful Exercises Get into Mood for Work 10 useful exercises is needed because I as a freelancer, begin my day by YouTubing or watching Netflix, trying to get mood for work. But sometimes these sessions last a bit longer because I am just not in the mood for work. … Read more